[Spridgets] Snow in Britain
Ed's Shop
shop at justbrits.com
Sat Feb 7 18:29:05 MST 2009
<<...and believing that braking and steering are as good as in the dry.>>
Guy & folks, that ain't HALF of it around me<F>!!
My town of 14,750 folks has at last count 17 H-1 Hummers,
38 H-3s, and numbers out the roof for Navigators, Explorers,
Suburbans, etc.!!
(Majority of cops are personal friends including ALL
the 'white shirts'<G> and tell me this kinda stuff - LOL.)
To a vehicle/driver, all the "drivers" KNOW and I repeat
KNOW that 4-wheel drive AND All Wheel Drive MEANS
that 4wd also MEANS 4w BRAKING (yeah, all cars have
brakes at all corners<G> but they think 4WD means their
brakes are doubled when IN 4wd)!!!
It continues to amaze me (AND all the cops) not only the
number of STUCK vehicles but the crashes due to
over-driving (and the above 'belief') !!!!
It was EASIER and SAFER driving in Washington, D.C.
both in my personal car and in the ambulances (emg. and
non-emg) than it is here in my TINY burg!!!
David L., your $ 1.00 ?!?!?!?
(Note: He is about 20 miles NNNE of me<G>)
Grasshopper, your feelings ??
(he is about 90 miles NNW of me.)
(he is about 125 miles NNW of me.)
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