[Spridgets] Bugeye Group..... RE: [midgetsprite] The SoCal Fires

Robert Bruce Evans b-evans at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 24 09:50:47 MDT 2007

 Robert Duquette wrote:  "California will someday drop into the ocean"

Naw, a lot of people have been wishing that about New York for ages.  Never

 "it used to be that people didn't stray far from where they were born."

But that was a VERY long time ago.  The enduring thesis in understanding
the unique American character is how people kept moving on toward a new
frontier.  It began by crossing the Atlantic 400 years ago, and continues
as American reach for outer space.

"For myself, I live 65 miles from my birthplace."

But you're still gonna DIE!

" It surprizes me, at times, that people live in danger zones..."

And yet, mankind has survived!  And survived quite well.


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