[Spridgets] 67 Progress if anybody cares

Linda Grunthaner grunthaner at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 03:20:37 MST 2007

Whoa List,
I had no idea Xmas instead of Christmas would be more important a subject
than the magic that Frank can do with Spridgets. Wow you can really see who
has a heated garage around here. But interesting that Wikipedia indicates
Xmas as offensive. No offence intended here just using abbreviations due
to my hunt & peck technique. Now look at all the hunting & pecking I just

Frank do you get Spridget parts under your tree for CHRISTMAS : )

On Nov 29, 2007 10:20 PM, Robert Duquette <robertduquette at sympatico.ca>

> I'm not sure about that, as his name is pronounced with a soft I instead
> of
> a hard I.  Sort as if it were spelled Chrisst.  So maybe check iX?   :)
> >From: "Chris King" <cbking at alum.rpi.edu>
> >
> >So we can abbreviate the name of one of our listers as chuck X?  :)
> >
> >Chris King
> >http://home.comcast.net/~kvcbk/
> >
> >  <-----Original Message----->
> >From: David Lieb [dbl at chicagolandmgclub.com]
> >
>  >But, the word "Christ" is actually Greek and starts with the letter Chi,
> >which resembles an "X". Thus, when we write Xmas, we are not, as some
> >fundamentalists would like you to think, "replacing "Christ" with an
> >"X", we
> >are merely abbreviating the name in a perfectly acceptable manner.
> >David Lieb
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