[Spridgets] What is still there?

Robert Duquette robertduquette at sympatico.ca
Thu Nov 15 12:48:35 MST 2007

PS: while I was looking at the google map again, I checked to see if Miss 
Marple was in the parkig=ng lot when the image was taken, and she was not.

>From: "Robert Duquette" <robertduquette at sympatico.ca>
>The broken lines and circles are either flowers or flower beds, called the
>ornamental gardens.  It's part of the experimental farms ( fed gov't ) 
>I work.  Many many wedding pictures are taken there during the 'flower'
>season.  If I have it right, someone donated the 'farm' to the federal
>government on the condition that they cannot sell it.  If they no longer
>want to use it for agricultural research, they must return it to the 
>   Or, so I was told.
>Here's a couple of pictures of some of those broken lines.  ( Not very good
>ones though. )
>movie here: http://bersoft.org/360movies/index.htm
>( but this is of the square to the left of the broken circles. )
> >From: "Robert Bruce Evans" <b-evans at earthlink.net>
> >
> >Robert Duquette wrote:  "And, I guess I should have called it a 
> >too."
> >
> >"This is it:   http://preview.tinyurl.com/2vbops "
> >
> >Good view!  (Our of curiosity, what are the two "broken" circles" and
> >"broken" lines to the southwest?)
> >
> >Buster
>robertduquette at sympatico.ca
>Edit your replies

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