[Shop-talk] Electrical install questions

David Scheidt dmscheidt at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 06:54:26 MDT 2015

> On Aug 1, 2015, at 06:25, Jeff Scarbrough <fishplate at gmail.com> wrote:
> Are fuses required? I've seen plenty that are just a pull-out handle...
>> On Jul 31, 2015 1

It depends on the equipment and the ahj. The equipment will say max fuse/
breaker size. If that's bigger than the branch circuit's size, a fuse or hcar
breaker is required.  If the label requires fuses, then fuses and not a
breaker are required. Since everyone has a breaker panel and not a fuse box,
the fuses go in the disconnect. (New equipment labels don't say that much
anymore. )

Bigger circuit than load is common where old equipment is replaced with more
efficient stuff, and putting fuses in the disconnect is cheaper than replacing
the breaker.

Fused disconnects are cheaper than ones that take a breaker.  Since a blown
fuse generally means equipment failure, it is not a big problem.

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