[Shop-talk] clone HDD

Wayne wmc_st at xxiii.com
Mon Apr 15 06:57:50 MDT 2013

On 4/14/2013 6:14 PM, Dave C wrote:
> I have about filled up my 75 gb HDD and rather than put in a new, bigger
> HDD and then manually install everything, I would like to clone a
> bootable image from the existing HDD over to the new HDD. Anyone got any
> experience in doing this?  Advice?

I've done it a bunch, but I'm a pro, and my usuall method isn't for the 
faint of heart; and some unix / linux experience helps, too.

* Get a linux "live CD" image and burn it onto a disk. I like "Puppy 
Linux" (google will turn up any of this stuff, so I'll leave that to 
you.) A live CD is a full operating system that boots and runs from 
memory only. You don't have to install it, or modify anything on the HDD.
* Install new drive. Real easy with SATA, which is a given on anything 
built in the last 8 years or so.
* Boot Puppy Linux. It'll look a lot like a familiar Windows desktop.
* Its system utilities menu has a program "gparted". This is a disk 
partition editor, much like partition magic if you ever used that back 
in the day.
* Create the partition layout you want, and make the first one active or 
bootable using the "flags" menu option.
* The old and new drives show up on the desktop with unix device names, 
like sda0 and sdb0. Take note of them. You can click to open them and 
verify which drive is the old C:. You'll have to right-click and do a 
"dismount" to close them.
* Open "terminal" or "command line" or whatever it's called.
* You've gonna use a command line program "ntfsclone" to copy from the 
old to the new drive. It takes all the sectors in use and builds them 
into a data stream that you can store somewhere, or shoot to a 2nd copy 
and extract.
* Command will be like:
	ntfsclone -s /dev/sda1 -o - | ntfsclone -r -O /dev/sdb1 -

BE real careful here; unix tends to give ya' enough rope to hang 
yourself. make sure those /dev entries are referring to the correct 
disk, or it will be happy to do exactly what you tell it, and copy the 
empty drive to the good one!

That's it. It's not really as hairy as it sounds. Google ntfsclone, and 
there are a bunch of other similar how-tos out there. I would NOT use 
the xfer programs that the drive makers offer. The ones I've looked at 
usually are just a batch file using "xcopy" or something, which does NOT 
produce a true image or clone of your drive.


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