[Shop-talk] technical question about force applied to mount

Mark Andy marka at maracing.com
Fri Feb 11 08:03:04 MST 2011


On Thu, 10 Feb 2011, Jack Brooks wrote:
> Use an infrared thermometer and located the heat tubes, then mount the 
> tire changer between them.
> Ok, it unconventional.

Not really... I've heard of at least two other folks doing exactly that to 
put in mounting locations for a lift.

> Mounting to plywood would work fine.  Jeff gave you the way to 
> calculate. For the force, use your body weight.  It should be a good 
> safe number.

If I had a 3 ton table that wasn't going to move, I'd probably use that, 
just to not have to store a big piece of plywood.

As for how to attach it to the table...  I probably wouldn't use a clamp. 
instead, I'd make up something like a hitch receiver that you'd see on a 
pickup.  Perhaps even just use those parts (you can get the hitch tubes at 
HF or Northern or whatever), but you could also make your own easy enough. 
Slip the mount in, put in the pin, and go to town.

I agree that most of the force you'll need to deal with will be torque.


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