[Shop-talk] Organizing garage/shop

Pat Horne pat at hornesystemstx.com
Tue Jul 13 09:05:08 MDT 2010

  As others have mentioned, I covered all the walls in my shop(20'x40') 
with pegboard. I still haven't made maximum use of it but keep moving 
things around until I get things more efficient.

I also put up 2 shelves on the 2 walls with windows, one right at the 
top of the windows, and one about 18" higher. I have 10' ceilings, so 
there is plenty of room up there.

There is about 4' above my overhead door where I was able to hang 
ladders and other oversize things that I don't use very often. I put up 
some hooks to hang thins on, as well as pulleys and ropes to get the 
stuff up and down without needing a ladder.

I have 1 cart with minimum tools on it that I load up when I need to do 
a job. It doesn't take up much room, and it helps me keep it cleaned off 
so all I need to do is load it up, and not unload the junk that would be 
piled on it that might stay there if I had more carts to use!


Thusly spake Jorge Garcia, On 7/12/2010 4:13 PM:
> I've been thinking of how best to organize my garage/shop and thought you guys probably had lots of experince in this area. I have a 3 car garage 33x23 and I will soon have have 3 cars in it. There is a raised area on one side and the back that is @ 3 ft wide. In this raised area I have my compressor, tool boxes, storage cabinets and lots of other junk. I have been thinking of having carts dedicated to a/c work, detailing/car wash, electrical...etc. Another idea is to use peg board to hold some of the gardening tools (not too much), towing straps, come-alongs, and other large hand tools that won't fit into the tool chests.
> What do you guys think let me know how you've organized your shop/garage.
> Thanks
> Jorge
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Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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