[Shop-talk] Any experience with this HF Compressor?

Eric J Russell ejrussell at mebtel.net
Sun Aug 8 18:21:21 MDT 2010

I often browse the forums at Garage Journal (www.garagejournal.com).

Here's a thread a quick search found:

I have the HF 5hp 2 stage 60 gallon compressor. While I have only had it for 
a week I love it so far. You can definitely believe the air delivery 
specs--it has no problem keeping up with any of my air tools including the 
paint I used yesterday or my sand blaster.
That's the unit I upgraded to last year. I gave it it's first real workout 
sandblasting last week. It kept up pretty good, I rarely had to wait for it 
while blasting some inner fenders, by the time I would readjust the 
wheelwell to a new angle, it would be ready. As for air tools, it catches up 
and shuts off with air ratchets, impacts, and 3" cutoff. I haven't really 
tested it with the DA, that's coming soon!
My buddy got one of these on the "el cheapo" special noted above. Still 
can't believe how cheap it was. He has been running a small two man body 
shop with it since then and it seems to be a nice compressor. No problems so 

Eric Russell
Mebane, NC
----- Original Message ----- 
> Anyone have any experience with HF's US General 5hp/60 gal two stage
> compressor?

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