[Shop-talk] Brake system bleeders

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Thu Apr 1 23:44:11 MST 2010

> OK, so I have never tried this with a TR...

On my TR3s, I have to get the clutch MC "wet" first, probably because it's
not a straight downhill shot from the reservoir to the MC.  But just
loosening the outlet fitting for a minute will do that.  After that, I find
that a few cycle of pumping it up, then holding for a few seconds and
releasing; will work most of the air out.  But that doesn't work for brakes.

For the last few times I've had the brake open, I've tried "gravity"
bleeding, which actually seems to work pretty good.  Just open the bleed
valve and let the fluid ooze out, until there are no more bubbles.  I did
that when I moved the front calipers from my wrecked TR3A to the project
TR3, and the resulting pedal was high and hard.


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