[Shop-talk] Mailbox to end all mailboxes

Steven Trovato strovato at optonline.net
Mon Jun 29 09:50:44 MDT 2009

When it comes to intentional acts, vandalism, the problem is that 
whatever clever idea you come up with can be taken as a challenge to 
the delinquent, now that you've made him look bad in front of his 
fellow delinquents.  Then he may feel obligated to come back for a 
more aggressive second attempt.  The only thing that I think has made 
a dent in this sort of behavior is the ubiquitousness of video 
surveillance.  You never know when you'll be caught by a camera.  And 
then you have to explain to mom what you were really doing out in her 
car Saturday night.

At 11:25 AM 6/29/2009, Mullen, Tim (IS) wrote:
>I remember seeing a clever mailbox "post".  The owner had gotten tired of
>people knocking his box off, so he "hardened it".

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