[Shop-talk] residentual wiring question

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Tue Jun 2 16:01:34 MDT 2009

> (It may be that if you're providing ground plugs other
> than at the GFCI, you need ground between the GFCI and the new plugs)

ISTR the NEC didn't require this; but I sure wouldn't want a house that was
wired that way.  

In effect, not having the safety ground connected back to the GFCI would
mean that an appliance plugged into a new plug could have a short between
hot and the case (safety ground) that would not be detected until someone
touched it and completed the circuit.  Call me old-fashioned, but I just
don't trust a GFCI that much.

-- Randall 

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