[Mgs] Ride height

Barrie Robinson barrob at bell.net
Mon May 3 14:06:17 MDT 2021

Hello Paul,

I got my local Brit car shop to fit springs all round as I had a serious 
case of unequal saggynitis.   They got them from Moss and all is 
perfectly fine now.


On 5/3/2021 11:24 AM, PaulHunt73 wrote:
> The high rear end after spring replacement is common and is part of 
> the 'too hard' thing needing extra weight in the boot to get the 
> rebound straps fastened.
> Personally I wouldn't jack up the front to match the rear, people 
> spend inordinate amounts of time and money trying to lower MGBs!  What 
> you could try is lowering 'blocks' between the axle and the springs, 
> as used with parabolic springs, but may need longer U-bolts.
> Even with new OEM rears my CB roadster was too low when fully laden, 
> bottoming and grounding in country lanes, I ended up extending the 
> rear shackles.
> PaulH.
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     3 years ago I got an MOT safety test fail on the sagged rear
>     springs, so these were replaced.
>     From that moment on the car looks a bit like a dragster with the
>     rear higher than the front.
>     So I should look for replacement front coils.
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