[Mgs] MGA engine fan (was: Oil Filter Cannister)

Eric Russell ejrussell at mebtel.net
Sun Aug 9 12:19:55 MDT 2020


Specifically: http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/paint/pt101b.htm 

<quote>Depending on car model and production date, the fan originally 
could have been black, red, or yellow. Some very early production 1500s 
may have had black fan. Otherwise the engine was painted in complete 
assembly including the fan, resulting in the fan being dark red. A lot 
of Twin Cams, especially 1500 body types, had black fan. There are 
reports of some early 1600s having either red or black fan. Sometime 
likely during 1959 production year, the fan was painted yellow to 
satisfy new safety standards, and all later cars should have yellow fan 
as original.</quote>

Eric Russell
Mebane, NC
> Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2020 13:34:19 -0500
> From: "dave" <dave at ranteer.com>
> To: <mgs at autox.team.net>
> Subject: [Mgs] Oil Filter Cannister
> Which brings me next to the fan.  It is black in that picture.  Further
> study of the pictures in the book indicate, at least to me, that the 1500
> engines had a black fan and the 1600 engines yellow.  Does that sound right?

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