[Mgs] First drive

Max Heim mvheim at sonic.net
Tue Aug 7 10:03:18 MDT 2018

No, I have the seat pushed all the way back and my knees are still bent with my feet on the pedals, so I want the thigh support. My legs might charitably be described as “thin”. I used to have the old seats one notch forward of “all the way back", but the backs on these seats are much thicker, as well as the bottom cushion. But I will attempt to calculate the cut more precisely before execution.

Yes, I have had the original seats apart, and I figured I could take up any slack down around the tubes.

Max Heim
'66 MGB

> On Aug 7, 2018, at 12:39 AM, PaulHunt73 <paulhunt73 at virginmedia.com> wrote:
> I'd be more inclined to cut the same amount off all across or it could be uncomfortable under the thighs.  Original foams have a recess on the bottom face near the front under each thigh to make it more resilient there, see http://www.mgbimages.uk.gridhosted.co.uk/images/scover8.jpg <http://www.mgbimages.uk.gridhosted.co.uk/images/scover8.jpg>
> However if your legs are longer than your arms, so to speak, and your thighs are not depressing the foam at the front it may not be necessary.
> The sides and front of the seat cover are pulled down and around the tubes before the clips are pressed on and should take up any slack.
> PaulH.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> Yes, these are newly upholstered seats. They are the later style (1972, I think) with headrests and adjustable rake. I had a shop do them with the leather-faced “vintage style” Moss covers and all new foam (the seats came with the carcass but they were in wretched shape, with mouse-tainted foam). I think I will remove the squab and cut it (or have it cut) at an angle, leaving the full depth in the front and removing at least 1-1/2 inches at the back. The ancient beat-down squab in my old car provided a much lower seating position, but also failed to provide any thigh support. Otherwise I might just try swapping it in. I suspect the later seat is broader and deeper, however, and it would leave the cover loose and wrinkled.

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