[Mgs] Anybody out there?

shop shop at justbrits.com
Sun Apr 13 17:10:36 MDT 2014

<< On 4/11/2014 8:21 PM, Max Heim wrote:
> Read about a Yahoo mail hosting change that took down a lot of lists, was
> wondering if this was one of them.  >>
No Max, "BUT" allegedly the "DMARC" will NOT effect MJB's Lists "for 
awhile" <F>.  What that means
is that Hosting ISPs that use a 'base program' known as cPanel which IS 
what I [and my lists <F>] use, "MAY"
suffer the wrath of POS yahoo.

Should you like to read - all Listers if so desired - what the MailMan 
Users List [and I'm told MM Developers
List are saying and just How POS yahoo "actions" will effect "Yahoo 
Users", I'll be happy to dig out a couple
of the Posts <G> <G> ! ? ! ?

Yahoo IS "circumventing/down-right breaking" the Rules as written by the 
Board that sets same World-
Wide ! ! !

Seems like POS yahoo has replaced POS aol as # 1 on the "follow WHAT 
Rules?" List <VBF> ! !

" Just Brits  "

PS:  Anybody is WELCOME to join either/or 'Assine' [jokes or sometimes 
even a LBC Tech Question WITH/
        without pictures] --- PolySci_101 [kinda explains itself <G>] 
[NO jokes but WITH/without pictures] ! !

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