[Mgs] Dynamo output reverses

Simon Matthews simon.d.matthews at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 20:36:31 MDT 2012

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Barney Gaylord <barneymg at mgaguru.com>wrote:

> See charging circuit here: http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/**electric/circ_c.htm<http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/electric/circ_c.htm>
> Notice ground connections inside the generator.  This is parallel wound,
> meaning that both field and armature are connected between power and
> ground.  If you switch the leads on the brushes it will reverse output
> polarity of the armature.  My bet is the brush leads have been switched (or
> brushes swapped in the holders).  When you install new brushes, R&R only
> one at a time so they get connected same as original.  This of course
> assumes the old ones were connected properly.

The last time I R&R'd my generator, I don't recall there being any doubt
about how the brushes were connected.

For Paul: also, the rear bearing was completely shot and it still worked,
although the output was rather low. Certainly, the bad bearing did not
reverse the polarity.


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