[Mgs] mufflers

Councill, David dcouncill at msubillings.edu
Sat Aug 18 15:12:09 MDT 2012

Perhaps then, I should add a bit more to this topic. I was "puzzled" because I
had recently purchased all the exhaust pieces for my 64B restoration (recently
as in two years ago) through Moss. However, it seems like I have been seeing a
lot more "NA" parts the past 5-10 years. Some parts are "NA" because they can
be substituted with newer year B parts or even with generic (multi-car) parts.
But I have also found that parts listed "NA" by Moss can sometimes be found
through other parts distributers.

Most recently I purchased door caps for my 64B from the Roadster Factory - no
other vendor I know of sells these. I have also ordered from the UK on a few
occasions for parts unavailable here in the US.

Leacy Classics (www.leacy classics) provided me with some hard to find parts
and quick free international shipping. Brown & Gammons
(http://www.ukmgparts.com/) was my source for parts for a factory hard top on
my 72B that no other distributers had.

Also, I should mention Moss resellers can also be helpful in finding alternate
sources for NA parts. During the earlier restoration of my 72B, both Jeff Zorn
(lbcarco.com) and Ed Kaler (justbrits.com) were able to locate some items for

Just a little helpful information for the list. I am sure many of you are like
me and are always looking for sources for parts. And that's just new parts. I
have found used parts to be even more difficult in recent years in terms of
salvage yards.

David Councill
64 B
67 BGT
72 B

-----Original Message-----
From: mgs-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:mgs-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf
Of Don
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 1:33 AM
To: MG List
Subject: [Mgs] mufflers

Re:  "puzzled"  and "surprised"

Hey guys, I may be slow, but I'm not stupid.  I have been looking at each Moss
MGB catalogue since I bought my car a year ago, and the rear muffler 454-550
for pre-1968 MGB was illustrated but was shown as "NA."

However, the catalogue I just got in the mail does show that it is available

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