[Mgs] computers

David Breneman david_breneman at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 31 08:41:05 MDT 2011

--- On Sat, 7/30/11, Don <don at napanet.net> wrote:

> Nothing complex other
than missiles
> and RPGs are made in the US.  That is why our economy
> has

There's plenty of stuff made in the US, just not the
cheap junk that
most "consumers" insist on buying.
Everyone loves to diss WallMart, but people
keep buying
their cheap cr*p nonetheless.  As long as people
believe that a
$12 toaster that lasts a year is a better
deal than a $50 toaster that lasts a
lifetime, there
will be a market for shoddily constructed consumer junk.
the story of the US car industry in the 1960s, 70s
and 80s shows that it
doesn't need to be imported junk,

Shop for quality.  It doesn't
matter where the item is
made; if you buy quality, you'll be rewarding those
deserve it.  And maybe that will inspire other quality
manufacturers to
spring up locally.

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