[Mgs] alternative to the inverted oil filter mount?

Paul Root ptrmgb at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 05:58:06 MDT 2011

Ah, now this helps. I'd punched holes in the middle, but never on the edge
before. Since it never seemed to do much, I haven't bothered in a long time.

On Jul 28, 2011, at 1:18 AM, Barney Gaylord wrote:

> To avoid the big mess, before drianing the oil punch two holes in the top
end of the filter to let air in, one near the center, and one close to the
outer edge (inside and outside of the filter media.  Then drian the oil and
when finished put the plug back in.  By that time all of the oil will have
drained down from the filter, leaving only a tablespoon or so in the bottom
that you can catch with a rag when you uncsrew the filter.  Always works for
> When the filters were white I would always use a black felt marker to write
the date and mileage on top of the filter (always in view when you check the
dip stick).  Doesn't work so well on a black filter.
> Barney Gaylord
> 1958 MGA with an attitude
> http://MGAguru.com
> At 04:59 PM 7/27/2011 -0500, Paul Root wrote:
>> Yes, mine is the inverted, spin on type. I hate it. Makes a big mess when
changing. ....
>> ....

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