[Mgs] Not likely to be whitworth...

Vance Navarrette v.navarrette at comcast.net
Fri Oct 8 10:51:00 MDT 2010


	Agreed. It is unlikely that anything would be Whitworth that
late in the production of the B. Although my Mini-cooper was a '74, and
it was an interesting mix of Imperial, Metric, and Whitworth. Sigh.
Buggered a few nuts trying to put metric on Imperial, and vice versa.

	At this point I am inclined to agree with the others, your
torque wrench may be mis-calibrated - I have seen it before, especially
the cheapie Chinese ones.


-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton Kirkwood [mailto:crk at godblessthe.us] 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 10:03 PM
To: v.navarrette at comcast.net; 'MG List'
Subject: RE: [Mgs] rocker threads causing problems

The fit Is correct. This is a 79 B so I don't think the threads are

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