[Mgs] LUCAS Technical Correspondence Course

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Wed May 19 06:41:12 MDT 2010

Wild guess here. It mentions fitting overdrive to a Austin Healey 100 
(Oct 1954), Bristol 405 (1955), Sunbeam Alpine MK-III (1963), so I 
suppose it was printed around 1963.

At 08:04 AM 5/19/2010 -0400, Steven Trovato wrote:
>Very cool, Barney.  Do you know when this is from?  I haven't found 
>a year printed anywhere so far. ....

>At 03:54 AM 5/19/2010, Barney Gaylord wrote:
>>For anyone interested in the deepest workiings of Lucas electrics, 
>>I have just posted on line a vintage 275 page text book titled 
>>"Overseas Technical Correspondence Course" published by Lucas 
>>Technical Service. .... http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/books/lts_otcc.htm

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