[Mgs] MGA clutch cylinder

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Wed Dec 22 23:02:55 MST 2010

Which "clutch plunger"?    Master or slave cylinder?

If the master cylinder piston sticks in the depressed position, use 
air pressure to return it.  Cycle it as many times as is required to 
get it to return freely with spring force only.  This should have 
been done on the bench before installation.

The slave cylinder generally cannot stick in the extended position, 
because of about 200 pounds of return force on the slave pushrod from 
the pressure plate.  If it does not fully release after a few 
strokes, it is because the master cylinder is retaining 
pressure.  That would usually be from master pushrod with preload and 
no clearance at rest.  If the slave does not advance, you have air in 
the circuit that beeds bleeding.

Bleeding the MG cluch circuit can be a bit tricky, but always 
succeeds when you understand how it works.  See here: 

At 05:28 PM 12/22/2010 -0500, Tom Gunderson wrote:
>I replaced the rubber parts in my brake and cluch cylinder. I honed 
>the cylinders. The brake bleeds and comes uo to preasure fine but 
>the cluch plunger wants to stick and will not come up to preasure. Any ideas?

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