[Mgs] losing a wheel

Aaron Whiteman awhitema at panix.com
Fri Apr 30 09:48:08 MDT 2010

On Apr 30, 2010, at 8:28 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> resumably well into the journey than.  I've had a wheel (front) come loose
after only half a dozen miles when I forgot to fully tighten the nuts the day
before, but fortunately I heard an odd noise then immediately realised what it
was and all four nuts were still there (as well as the one behind the wheel).

Yeah, I was 150 miles or so into the loop, with some very solid twisties
already covered.  The car "felt funny" for a half mile or so before the wheel
fell off, but I dumbly attributed that to the road.  Whoops.

> Do steel wheels have hardened seats?  Never heard of it.

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