[Mgs] Their back!!

Charles Hill chillmog at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 3 18:30:38 MST 2010

Very good Mark. 

Many don't seem to know the difference in homophones.  They will be 
embarrassed to learn that my wife whose native and primary language is 
German easily completed this exercise correctly on her first try.

Charles Hill

Mark J Bradakis wrote:
> I sometimes wonder just how many folks who claim English
> as their primary language could do this correctly:
> Put these three words into the appropriate blanks of the given
> sentence:
> their there they're
> _____ over ____ with ____ stuff.
> Sorry to be an unrelenting member of the grammar
> police, heaven knows I have more serious Team.Net stuff
> that needs attention.  Maybe I'm just grumpy because as
> Spring rolls into the Northern Hemisphere with its
> warming weather I still don't have an LBC to drive!
> mjb.
> PS:  Anyone up for a lecture on "its" vs. "it's" ?

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