[Mgs] mgb milage query, and webber carb. identity question

cyberemp at comcast.net cyberemp at comcast.net
Wed Jun 11 14:57:48 MDT 2008

salutations my MG brothers and sisters!!

my daily driver is a 65 MGB. 5 main engine with stock cam, running a webber 
conversion and a four synchro 

My last fill up the milage was 15 mpg. I've checked the odometer against highway 
markings, and it's accurate.
   My questions.. 
1. this seems really bad for the mgb. I thought the cars were typically getting 
around 27 mpg.

2 is this the right rebuild kit for these carbs? >REBUILD KIT FOR WEBER 32/36 
 car has a fuel air mixture LED readout that always reads rich, so that needs 
to be addressed after rebuild.

Now that I think of it, a full tune up is also in the future.
   other (polite) suggestions appreciated.

so many cars, so little parking.

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