[Mgs] [MG-MGB] Replace Steering Rack prior to Engine Install?

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Jul 15 02:44:02 MDT 2008

Even if you are sure you are going to be able to get at the nuts and bolts
that attach the rubber mount to the engine mounting bracket (or the mounting
bracket to the block) you still wouldn't really be able to finally tighten the
nut on the bottom of the rubber mount until you have attached them.  This
*can* be finally tightened with the rack in place with an open spanner, but
there doesn't seem much point in removing the rack to get the engine out then
refitting it before replacement.  Reassembly is usually the reverse of


  ----- Original Message -----

  Once I get the dr. side engine mount replaced, I was going to pop the
steering rack back into the car, before I reinstall the engine
  and transmission. Is that the right sequence?

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