[Mgs] Mgs Digest, Vol 19, Issue 16

UnclStevie at aol.com UnclStevie at aol.com
Tue Dec 16 23:16:44 MST 2008

Hey Dave Houser
Silicone is your friend. Don't be fooled by cheap DOT 3 or 4 GT LMA  
imitations. Your seals probably are swollen. The fix is really  easy. Add additional 
cork or other gasket material between the push rod  assembly cover plate and 
the main body of the master cylinder. This will give  the piston the extra room 
to clear the fluid return hole in the master  cylinder. You may have to 
experiment with number of gaskets to obtain enough  clearance. BTW, you can make 
your own gaskets easily using the cover plate as a  template. This method has 
held up for over 6 years now on my A coupe. Since  we have the same car, should 
work really well on yours as well.
Stephen Edelstein 
UnclStevie at aol.com

In a message dated 12/16/2008 2:02:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
mgs-request at autox.team.net writes:

Re:  Contents of Mgs digest

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