[Mgs] Instructions for MGB Interior Installation

Barney Gaylord barneymg at mgaguru.com
Thu Sep 13 07:41:59 MDT 2007

At 07:52 PM 9/12/2007 -0700, Rod Williams wrote:
> > I got a copy from Norm and posted it on line
>Um... did you contact Victoria British and get their permission to post?
>It's the law, actually. Not nice to ignore copyright. ....

I think I have an interresting response.  Yes, it "may" be illegal 
without requesting permission before reproducing.  And I would never 
infringe on a copyright if I thought it would be any problem with the 
originator.  Put another way, I may do this when I might "presume" 
that the originator would give consent if I was to ask.  This is one 
of those cases where it may be easier to appologize than to request permission.

In this case, my top 10 list:

10)  V.B. has been distributing this document freely to anyone who 
would request a copy.
9)  I may be doing V.B. a favor by getting it out to more people so 
that V.B. doesn't have to field the requests and pay the printing and 
postage cost.
8.)  The origin of the material is clearly noted.
7.)  Each page is clearly marked with the originator's name and 
contact information within the scanned image (and the largest text onthe page).
6.)  V.B might actually appreciate the publicity and free advertising.
5.)  I would have posted this on my personal web site, except it is 
not MGA information.
4.)  I would be happy to remove the web page immediately if V.B was 
to complain.
3.)  If any one of our club Board members was to object to this being 
on the club web site I would remove it immediately.
2.)  This is all not for profit and community service (if not a 
service for V.B.).
1.)  I'm a crotchety old bastard who doesn't have much to lose if 
someone might want to sue me.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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