[Mgs] Instructions for MGB Interior Installation

Rod Williams PRNDL at sonic.net
Wed Sep 12 21:50:48 MDT 2007

> er, WHY Rod??
Oh, boy. Don't get me started... I'd refer you to a discussion of "fair use"
and other aspects of the U.S. copyright law, amended 1976. There's a bunch
out there. In a nutshell, a published work is the result of someone else's
labor, creativity and expense, not yours. It's covered by U.S. copyright
law. You can't use it without permission. It's the law.

>Their cataloges are every where!!  So their pics are also "fair game" as long
>at attributed to them.
Well, the New York Times is everywhere as well, but I think you'd find
yourself at the wrong end of the argument if you put several pages of The
Times on your website without their permission *if* it didn't fall under the
"Fair Use" doctrine. This is kind of a bone of mine (no shit!) Lots of
people's work is stolen for use on the internet and the author loses
ownership of it. Again, it's the law.

A really good reference is at <fairuse.stanford.edu/> Check out "Copyright
and Fair Use Overview".

Now, back to your regularly scheduled British Car programming....
Rod Williams
Petaluma, California
1967 MGB
and a copyright bug up my arse

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