[Mgs] Oil filter mount, oil cooler, accusump ....

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jun 29 02:57:14 MDT 2007

You can get that with spin-ons as well, if my experience with an expensive 
Volvo filter at the last oil change is anything to go by, but they are 
preferable, just be sure you put plenty of fresh oil on the rubber ring, and 
be sure not to tighten them any more than it says on the can.  The V8 is 
remote and suspended, so by wrapping newspaper round the bottom it is 
usually possible to catch the spillage that occurs even with these.  The 
upended filter on the roadster is a pain, some always gets past the paper 
and runs down the side of the crankcase and sump.


----- Original Message ----- 
> I've used a couple of different types of spin-on mounts, and prefer
> them to the canister type. I learned a painful lesson about
> overtightening, when I blew the o-ring where it mounted and dumped all
> the oil in my brand new motor on the ground.

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