[Mgs] Engine Rebuild Video or books

Bob Howard mgbob at juno.com
Wed Jun 20 07:33:34 MDT 2007

Hi Ron,
    Rich suggested Colin Cambell's book. I've not seen that one.
    For this winter's rebuild of my MGB engine, I followed Peter Burgess'
book,  How to Power Tune MGB Engines.  I found it easy to follow and well
illustrated.  His discussion of camshafts seemed particularly useful. The
engine runs great and offers much more torque in the 2000-3500 rpm range.
It also seems to burn a bit less fuel, though that is subject to further

On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 20:45:11 -0700 "Ron Fine" <RonFineEsq at earthlink.net>
> I am about to pull the engine and transmission on my '66 MGB to 
> rebuild as necessary.  I noticed that there are some engine rebuild
> advertised on Ebay and Moss Motors.  Has anyone seen these and are they
useful?  I 
> do have some engine rebuilding experience (Austin Healey 3000) but I 
> wouldn't mind looking at some additional MGB stuff before starting.  I
have the 
> big green factory manual and Haynes books.  Are there any other
resources I 
> might look at?
> Thanks for any help or suggestions.
> Ron Fine
> 66 MGB
> 61 BN7

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