[Mgs] rear brakes - reassembly

Bob Howard mgbob at juno.com
Fri Jul 13 07:36:48 MDT 2007

   Peter Caldwell's method is the one that has worked best for me.  
   Barney Gaylord's site has a description of positioning of shoes
long-end/short end. 

> _______________________________________________
> Rick, I just went through this on my 67 Austin A60 Pickup which is 
> very 
> similar to the B.  I asked Peter Caldwell of World Wide Auto Parts 
> if he 
> knew of a simpler way and this is what he said:
> "I assemble the shoes on the floor with both tension
> springs, then offer the set up to the wheel cylinder end, and 1
> adjuster end, then pry the other shoe onto the adjuster."
> I did it this way and it was the easiest I have ever installed 
> shoes.  20 
> seconds, max.  Really worked well.
> Thank you, Peter.
> Larry Daniels

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