[Mgs] A few pictures of the tear-down for the top-end job

Rick Lindsay rolindsay at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 26 17:00:25 MST 2007

Before I list the tear-down pictures, here is a
picture of the '70 B's completed right-front axle: 


I have started the top-end job on my MGB.  Here are a
couple of pictures as the tear-down begins.

http://www.aubard.us/MGB/HPIM0851.JPG is a picture
with the inlet and exhaust headers removed or
disconnected.  The coolant has not yet been drained so
I have not opened that system.

http://www.aubard.us/MGB/HPIM0852.JPG is a picture of
the right-hand side.  You can see the heater control
valve that I forgot to change when I had the coolant
system apart.  I'll change it now.  BTW, I did verify
that there is adequate valve clearance and that a
closed-up clearance is not the problem.

http://www.aubard.us/MGB/HPIM0853.JPG shows the carbs
and manifold, plus a few tools, on the workbench. 
I'll need to store these parts carefully so as to get
a little more work-space on the bench to rebuild the

So that's it for Wednesday evening...


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