[Mgs] NMGC, Anyone else getting stoked for the '08 F1 season?

Rick Lindsay rolindsay at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 23 11:10:11 MST 2007

Yea, '07 isn't even through and I'm getting excited
about F1 in 2008. Sadly, I'm not going to participate
next year but I'll be running the caffeine drip at 6am
every other Sunday! And we have a night race this
coming season. That will be interesting. Still,
sports lighting is so good that from the sofa we may
not be able to tell the difference. I mean, they're
not installing headlight pods!

I'm torn between Ferrari, McLaren and Renault - but I
also like Williams and Spyker, which I believe was
sold for the '08 season.

I'm hoping that some of the Houston F1 fans can get
together next season. I mention Formula 1 Grand Prix
at work and everyone assumes I'm talking about the
CART race at Reliant Stadium (GP of Houston) or
NASCAR. I need to find some locals who speak my

Best regards.

rick - MGB, Ferrari, Mercedes, BMW owner so you see my
mixed loyalty.  If only I had a Spyker...

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