[Mgs] MGs and amateur radio

William Killeffer wkilleffer at comcast.net
Sun Aug 5 21:37:40 MDT 2007


I got my license 11 years ago when I started dating a young lady who  
was also licensed, along with most of her family. It seemed like fun,  
and her father generously loaned me a nice Yaesu HT so I would have  
something to talk on once we found my call sign on the Arkansas  
database. About seven years ago, I was able to buy my Icom IC-W32a,  
which has been a great unit even if the battery longevity seems short  
at times. Back in those days, the traffic on the local repeaters was  
much heavier than it is now, and one featured a member's plan that  
allowed phone patch use.

As far as vehicles go, I drive a 1974 MGB and ride a 2003 Royal  
Enfield Bullet.

Thank you,
William Killeffer
wkilleffer at comcast.net
Made with a Mac

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