[Mg-t] Dynamo difficulties

Andrew Moyce drmoyce at ent-oakland.com
Sun Mar 28 13:22:03 MST 2010

Brought the TD out yesterday for a club tour after a wet winter in
storage. Charged the battery overnight and then started her up (first
try) but the dynamo warning light stayed on and there was no movement in
the ammeter on revving the engine. Pulled both wires and shorted them,
then put my VTVM across the terminals to a ground on the body and only
got from 2 to 5 volts at about 1000 rpm.  The dynamo was new last season
(refurbished) as I lost the bearing on the old one when the bracket
broke. Fan belt tension is correct,  brushes are in order, I cleaned the
commutator with paint thinner and put it all back.  Didn't have time to
retest the output but the light went out and the ammeter registered.
About half way through the tour the light came back on and stayed on and
no ammeter action.  It seems unlikely that one of the coils would go bad
from sitting 3 or 4 months.  I think I remember seeing a technique to
spark across the terminals to charge the coil, or something like that.
Otherwise I guess I'm committed to taking the thing apart or sending it
out for repair.


Andy Moyce

52 TD.

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