[Mg-t] TD Steering Rack

jvk52td at aol.com jvk52td at aol.com
Mon Nov 23 21:19:42 MST 2009

I would like to thank everyone who responded to my question about the tie rod
ends and rack.

While I am here and such a great response with many views on lubrication I
would like to know if there is any type of current list on diferent types /
brands of lubricants for the "T" cars.  My manual for the Midget Series TD &
TF seems to be very dated.

Sounds like a (80w-90) gear lube for the rack.   Types, weights and or brands
recommended ??

Castrol 20 / 50 for the engine ??

Gearbox  ??

Rear Axle ??



The shop manual says to use 90W (80W-90) gear lube in the rack. I feel that
this is definitely the lubricant to use there, but there are those who will
disagree with that and contend that a good lithium based grease will work
fine. The main thing is that some kind of lubricant be used in the rack. I
have not heard of any racks disintegrating (or even wearing out) regardless of
which is used.

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