[Mg-t] gas tank coating

Bud Krueger budkrueger at comcast.net
Sat Jun 28 14:31:40 MDT 2008

dhhall at bellsouth.net wrote:
> I would like to coat the inside of my MGTD gas tank with a protective coating (Red-Kote).  The tank seems to be segmented inside.   I'm not sure if I need to unscrew the plate on the lower back side to remove this.  Excuse my ignorance, but is this some sort of gas gauge sender?  If so, it certainly seems I should remove it.  Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance, David
> _______________________________________________
Yes, there are baffles welded in place inside of the tank.  Yes, you 
should remove the petrol level switch float.  Otherwise the coating will 
total mess it up.  If you insist upon coating the tank be certain that 
it is absolutely clean inside.  Be certain that the coating material can 
handle today's blended gasolines.

Bud Krueger

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