[Land-speed] Fun things...

Larry Mayfield drmayf at mayfco.com
Wed Apr 2 09:58:33 MDT 2014

Ok, so I woke the list up with my simple what's going on message to the
list, eh? How about some fun thinking.  One of my pet peeves is the not so
subtle change from the way we talk about the units of torque, i.e.  lbs-ft
versus ft-lbs.  I have a hard time understanding a) the necessity of that,
b) the reasoning of it, and c) the who gives a crap of it. 

The rules of arithmetic (math) are pretty well known, and when the
associative laws are used then it does not matter one whit. And we all grew
up using it as ft-lbs so let's start a movement back to the way things were.

Reasoning is thusly... think about a dyno, say a water brake one. It has a
lever that measures from the center line of the brake to the load cell and
that is usually measured in feet not centimeters, millimeters, meters or
yards.  The load is measured at the end of that lever. The associative laws
say that you can use any order in multiplication of numbers and by that I
mean it does not matter if you multiply the length of the lever  by the load
first or the load times the lever. One way gets you ft - lbs, the other
gives you lbs-ft.  The order of units is not material.  And ft can stand for
foot or feet.   

Who's with me? Let's take our heritage back!  Ft-lb ers unite and arise!
Time we reclaimed our way of life.. Hell Yeah!


Worlds Fastest Sunbeam, period.
204.913 mph flying mile
210.779 mph exit speed

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