[Land-speed] IN Car Communications

Rick Byrnes Rick at RBMotorsports.com
Wed Jan 18 18:44:10 MST 2012

"Data telemetry would really be a good addition for me.

I had heard that the GM program that tried  "real time" telemetry had 
problems.  Some kind of magic aurora around the car moving fast over the 
salt, etc etc.

I passed that along to the Ford fuel cell engineers when working with them 
on the Fusion project.   Being high tech guys in a high tech world, they 
proceeded with it anyway.  Well it didn't work.  They could not download a 
bit until the car was off course.
But, by downloading then and communicating to the pits, they had each 
problem partially remedied before the car was towed all the way back.

Just Sayin

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