[Land-speed] POLITICAL non rant 15 min.

23weldon 23.weldon at comcast.net
Sun Jul 31 19:31:45 MDT 2011

An Allegory About The Emperor And His 300 Million Living Cells

There he goes again enjoying the summer warmth in his kingdom.  And as has 
been his habit of late he is butt naked.  He likes it that way; his body 
feels so free.  But fear is rising in the community.  Cold weather is 
threatening and if the Emperor gets a chill and falls ill the wrath of the 
gods will fall upon us.

If we speak of his nakedness it will be "off with our heads".  All agree 
that he must be dressed to survive the winds of the coming winter.  All 
agree that a suitable cloak is needed; but Mr.  D and Mr. R are the only 
weavers among us.  Mr. R's Teanager, whose help is needed, insists on his 
own features in the cloak's design or he won't do his part in the weaving 
and sewing.  For many weeks Mr. D and Mr. R have been unable to agree on the 
cloak's design.  Mr. R, by far the best salesman of the group,  has got the 
Emperor's ear and is gradually winning him over to his cloak design.

Still, no one dares tell the Emperor that without any clothes he will die of 
exposure.  All they do is hint that a cloak is needed to keep him warm.  But 
right now the Emperor shrugs and replies "What's all this fuss about a cloak 
to keep me warm.  Look at the sun shining.  I'm quite comfortable"

Through all of this Mr. I, a noted clothier, has been largely silent.  And 
Mr. P, the person whose job is to approve the cloak and present it to the 
Emperor and try to get him to button it up and wear it properly, stayed out 
of the argument for a while.   But lately Mr. P sees the predicted clouds of 
winter on the horizon is trying hard to get D and R to get on with the 
project.  And of course R is bitterly blaming P and D for not cooperating.

And through all of this everybody is terrified of telling the Emperor the 
real truth about reality of his nakedness and how much that cloak is going 
to weigh wrapped around his body.

And all seem to have forgotten the issues of fixing the leaks in the palace 
roof, holes in its walls, the broken chimney over the hearth and build a 
stock of firewood for the winter.

Ed Weldon

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Dahlgren" <dahlgren536 at comcast.net>
To: "23weldon" <23.weldon at comcast.net>; "Sparky" <sparky.2211 at cox.net> 

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