[Land-speed] NON LSR Political RANT
Robert J. Denton
rjdenton479 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 05:52:59 MST 2010
Finally. A voice of reason. Thank you for spelling it all out. You hit the
nail on the head.
Let me add one more thing. Of all the "political parties," one of them
isn't. The Tea Party. It is a for profit (as opposed to non-profit)
organization. It is trademarked and any money you send them is not tax
deductible. The more riled up and pissed they get you, they will be pushing
you to give them money. Neat trick, huh?
Thanks, Bob!
Bob D.
On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 6:35 AM, Bob Clancy <bob at southmtpages.com> wrote:
> Seems to me a lot of people are missing the point.
> First, we have this thing called the "insurance industry" whose job is to
> collect money (from us), ration care, and turn over as much money as
> possible to their investors. That's the only reason they exist. They suck
> up more bucks from us than the health-care system in any other
> industrialized country, and do nothing productive in return.
> Did you notice that (admittedly with some federal help for the very poor)
> people are being forced to buy insurance from those corporate vultures? Yet
> a non-profit public option was given up. And a non-profit national health
> system (like the rest of the industrialized world has) was not even
> considered. What the heck is Socialist / Communist / Maoist / Nazi about
> that?
> Secondly, there are a lot of people running around pretending to be
> "patriots".... yet what is patriotic about working against "the common
> welfare" (heard those words before?). It seems to me that some folks want
> no taxes, no government, and complete "freedom". Well, if you have that,
> you don't have a nation. A nation is a bunch of people working together to
> promote the common good. We're in it *together*. Sure, the line has to be
> drawn somewhere between anarchy and totalitarianism, but I fail to see how
> making a weak, compromised effort to rein in the abuses of the insurance
> industry is going too far. This whole thing is blown grossly out of
> proportion.
> Third, I'd just like to mention a few of our horrible Socialist
> institutions..... schools, libraries, roads, fire departments, the FAA,
> police departments, the military, the Coast Guard, the National Weather
> Service, NOAA, the US Geologic Survey, Forest Service, BLM, and every town,
> city, county and state government that provides water, sewer, garbage
> collection....... and paid the guy to drive the snow plow that made it
> possible for me to get home a couple nights ago.
> Add to that Social Security, a program infinitely more Socialistic than
> anything in the 'health reform' bill. That didn't seem to destroy the
> country. In fact, I know a lot of people (who paid into it all along) who
> think it's a pretty good program.
> Looking at all this in the light of history and the experiences of other
> 'advanced' nations, I sure can't fathom what all the hysteria is about.
> Bob C.
> PS, Where were all the anti-tax deficit hawks when the Bush administration
> was sending the deficit through the roof?
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