[Land-speed] NON LSR Political RANT

Joe & Lynne Lance jolylance at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 22 19:10:39 MST 2010


My wife and I are paying a lot more than you and Nancy for our health
insurance and our coverage is very limited---it's because we have to buy our
coverage as individuals.
While I'm in favor of health care reform the bill that passed on Sunday is
the most dishonest and corrupt piece of legislation I've ever seen. The cost
of the bill has been fudged by starting taxes now and delaying benefits for
years, so the first ten year cost is phony. I can't see how health care
costs are going to be reduced by increasing the taxes of everybody in the
health care business including bed pan manufacturers.

The bill contains special deals for all kinds of groups--I have no doubt
that government employees at all levels, big union members, members of
congress, and especially school teachers will be protected. In my state if a
school board asks the teachers to contribute more than 1% to their health
care premiums they go on strike and our real estate taxes go up. Our corrupt
state legislators have increased, but not funded, big increases in teachers
pensions so we are facing huge increases in real estate taxes.

So the above groups will get special treatment at the expense of people like
my wife and I who will pay much higher premiums.

My own view is that Obama and company have caused so much economic
uncertainty with the health care bill and the proposed cap & trade bill that
private investment is being seriously depressed. As a result it's going to a
very long time before unemployment goes down and the economy starts growing


Jon wrote:

  But then Nancy and I are getting new health insurance -- with all of the
copays and restrictions and such -- from Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  Our rate
lower than it might be - because we're co-owners of a business and thereby
qualify for this plan.  The monthly cost for the two of us is about $575.
That's darn near $7000 a year.  That much could be taxes and we'd have
coverage in case of medical needs.

Further deponent sayeth not - at least for now.

Jon a/k/a Seldom Seen Slim

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