[Land-speed] NON LSR Political RANT

Robert J. Denton rjdenton479 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 15:33:10 MST 2010

And Doug, you don't have to take anything. Just send it back!

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Doug Odom <dlodom at charter.net> wrote:

> Tom, I agree. It is too bad these politicians were not raised by my mother.
> She was born in the twenty's and grew up in a small South Dakota town in the
> depression were a hand made doll and a fresh Orange were a good Christmas. I
> was born just before the war and my Dad went to Europe to fight the Germans
> and mom went to California to build airplanes for the war. She built
> airplanes till Lockheed made her retire.
> If I went and told her I wanted to get my Healthcare and charge it to her
> Grand and Great Grand kids she would just look me in the eye,   slap my face
> and say " I raised you up better than that boy". Then walk away in disgust.
> You don't take things you don't earn!!!!
> Doug in big ditch

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