[Land-speed] [non LSR]Electronics and other stuff like fuel mileage

Neil Albaugh neil at dbelltech.com
Wed Feb 17 09:28:53 MST 2010

Great observation, Ed.

Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ

From: "23weldon" <23.weldon at comcast.net>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:11 PM
To: "Neil Albaugh" <neil at dbelltech.com>; "Dave Dahlgren" 
<ddahlgren at snet.net>; <land-speed at autox.team.net>; <race427 at aol.com>
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] [non LSR]Electronics and other stuff like fuel 

> I just happen to have an old almost empty can of Shinola and the residue 
> therein indeed has a substantial color and texture resemblance to 
> mammalian excrement, particularly the type that results from the 
> organism's ingestion of something that is abnormal in its diet. (How would 
> I know about this but that our family pet is a dachshund?)
> Now for most of us the distinction between the two substances is quickly 
> made by our sense of smell.  However it is been noted here that 
> politicians cannot sense the difference.
> We see and hear a lot of our politicians on the TV so it is pretty obvious 
> that they have reasonable acuity in vision and hearing.  But since TV 
> cannot convey anything about their sense of smell one could easily suspect 
> that they have lost that ability.  Perhaps the election process and the 
> associated funding environment creates the essential destruction of one of 
> the politician's five senses.
> Nevertheless the Shinola Test may be the principal determinant of why the 
> behavior of politicians in the face of things that truly stink is so much 
> different from the rest of us.  I hereby rest my case awaiting further 
> evidence to support my hypothesis.
> BTW, my indictment of Toyota is not so much for their use of hardware 
> electronics as their inability to properly manage the software 
> development. The problem here is that when you get thousands of lines of 
> software code it gets impossible for the human brain to understand all the 
> possible interactions from unusual input combinations.
> A logical follow-on question is what will our technical inspectors have to 
> say when someone shows up with one of these "fly by wire" Toyota's?
> Oh yeah .....re: mileage and emissions.  I agree with Dahlgren.
> IMHO I think we should be in a pay tax at the pump based on the amount 
> emissions your vehicle puts out per gallon of fuel.  This is doable.  We 
> have the technology and the specific data from state emissions testing. 
> All we need is a bar code or RFI chip on your car keys.
> Ed Weldon
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Neil Albaugh" <neil at dbelltech.com>
> To: "Dave Dahlgren" <ddahlgren at snet.net>; <23.weldon at comcast.net>; 
> <land-speed at autox.team.net>; <race427 at aol.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Electronics and other stuff like fuel mileage
>> Dave; One more thought-- 
>> You know what they say about politicians who don't know sh*t from 
>> Shinola?
>> Don't let them polish your shoes! :)
>> Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ

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