[Land-speed] Facebook

bobbyhotrods at comcast.net bobbyhotrods at comcast.net
Wed Nov 18 16:27:31 MST 2009

Another item on the growing list of things I don't get. All these folks walking around talking on their cell phones, too. What the hell are they talking about? They must just like to talk. 
There are a few websites I've found that I think you'd like better than Facebook. 
TED Ideas Worth Sharing is good, Wired Science, 3quarksdaily, MITWorld lectures, the JalopyJournal, Christian Science Monitor, there's plenty of good stuff out there. 
Question, if you're a Christian Scientist, do you need to buy the soon to be mandated health insurance? Kinda like being a conscientious objector....BJ, off track here...PS Come to Loring next year everybody, you'll have 2 weeks to get to Speedweek thereafter! 

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