[Land-speed] modified street cars & your old drag strip

Tom Shannon saltfevr at q.com
Mon Nov 3 17:17:12 MST 2008


Great job of describing Utah race scene.
BTW, Millers track has released 2009 major race schedule.
Heres a link from HRM Drag Safari 1954 at Airport #2. Have a safe trip at
SEMA, 'ya lucky stiff!!

other great wallpapers to also peruse!

Tom Shannon
Magna, Utah> From: wester6935 at comcast.net> To: lsr_man at yahoo.com> Date: Sun, 2
Nov 2008 21:54:49 -0700> CC: land-speed at autox.team.net; saltfever at comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] modified street cars & your old drag strip> > Dick,>
> The dump road in Provo where we used to street race is in the middle > of an
industrial park.> The road to Cedar Fort that the Utah Highway Patrol used to
shut down > for drag races is> now the main thorofare to Cedar Hills and
handles an insane amount of > traffic every day.> Redwood Road above 16th
North where we raced is now a busy approach to > I-215.> Airport #2 where we
used to have sanctioned drag races and SCCA road > races is now> the home
field for the Utah National Guard and is a busy airfield.> They still have
drag races at what was known as the Bonneville > Raceway. It was taken> over
by the family that owns Young Chevrolet in Layton, UT and is now > known as>
Rocky Mountain Raceway and they have an oval track for stock cars but > they
also> still have all the varieties of drag race there. Friday night high >
school challenges and> the works.> Another auto dealer from here decided to
build a road course club > style track when the> folks in Colorado fought him
on expanding a road course over there. > Ask Tom Shannon> what Larry H Miller
has done with that place. Tom is a flag man out > there in his spare> time.
Larry started out to build a $10 million dollar club style > track. Now it's a
$110> million dollar track and the finest road course in the country. He > put
almost as much> into the track as he does into the annual payroll for the
basketball > team he also owns,> the Utah Jazz.> The end result is two good
tracks, with three kinds of racing, twenty > miles apart and> a third one 95
miles away, The Bonneville Salt Flats that we're all > familiar with here> in
the "Pretty Great State" of Utah. Racing is alive and well here in > Utah,
just with> more glitz!> > Wes> > On Nov 2, 2008, at 9:11 PM, Dick J wrote:> >
> I wonder what happened to everybody's old hometown drag strip. The > >
strip> > where I first raced in Valkaria, Florida is now the municipal > >
airport. There> > is an old strip near where I live now, outside of Tyler,
Texas, that > > has been> > divided in half and turned into an industrial
park. Recently, the > > strip at> > Hallsville, Texas closed down and is going
to become a mobil home > > park.> >> > What about you guys? Whatever happened
to your old hometown strips?> >> > DickJ> > In East Texas>
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