[Land-speed] modified street cars & your old drag strip

neil at dbelltech.com neil at dbelltech.com
Mon Nov 3 09:27:11 MST 2008

Tucson Dragway is long gone. It hosted some Winternationals in its day but
it's now overgrown with weeds. The drag strip operator was caught landing
his plane on the strip at night with a load of drugs from Mexico. I think he
might still be in prison.

Regards, Neil   Tucson, AZ

-----Original Message-----
From: land-speed-bounces at autox.team.net
[mailto:land-speed-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Wester Potter
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 9:55 PM
To: lsr_man at yahoo.com
Cc: land-speed submit; Elon
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] modified street cars & your old drag strip


The dump road in Provo where we used to street race is in the middle  
of an industrial park.
The road to Cedar Fort that the Utah Highway Patrol used to shut down  
for drag races is
now the main thorofare to Cedar Hills and handles an insane amount of  
traffic every day.
Redwood Road above 16th North where we raced is now a busy approach to  
Airport #2 where we used to have sanctioned drag races and SCCA road  
races is now
the home field for the Utah National Guard and is a busy airfield.
They still have drag races at what was known as the Bonneville  
Raceway.  It was taken
over by the family that owns Young Chevrolet in Layton, UT and is now  
known as
Rocky Mountain Raceway and they have an oval track for stock cars but  
they also
still have all the varieties of drag race there.  Friday night high  
school challenges and
the works.
Another auto dealer from here decided to build a road course club  
style track when the
folks in Colorado fought him on expanding a road course over there.   
Ask Tom Shannon
what Larry H Miller has done with that place.  Tom is a flag  man out  
there in his spare
time.  Larry started out to build a $10 million dollar club style  
track.  Now it's a $110
million dollar track and the finest road course in the country.  He  
put almost as much
into the track as he does into the annual payroll for the basketball  
team he also owns,
the Utah Jazz.
The end result is two good tracks, with three kinds of racing, twenty  
miles apart and
a third one 95 miles away, The Bonneville Salt Flats that we're all  
familiar with here
in the "Pretty Great State" of Utah. Racing is alive and well here in  
Utah, just with
more glitz!


On Nov 2, 2008, at 9:11 PM, Dick J wrote:

> I wonder what happened to everybody's old hometown drag strip.  The  
> strip
> where I first raced in Valkaria, Florida is now the municipal  
> airport.  There
> is an old strip near where I live now, outside of Tyler, Texas, that  
> has been
> divided in half and turned into an industrial park.  Recently, the  
> strip at
> Hallsville, Texas closed down and is going to become a mobil home  
> park.
> What about you guys?  Whatever happened to your old hometown strips?
> DickJ
> In East Texas
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