[Land-speed] Motorcycle Lift Table ? -non LSR

Dick J lsr_man at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 7 14:51:48 MST 2008

  The neatest setup I've ever seen was not hydraoulic or mechanical, it was a simple balance rig similar to what used car dealerships use to put thier cars up on display.  When there is no vehicle on it, it looks like an incline ramp.  As a vehicle is placed on it and moved forward, the center of gravity moves past the balance fulcrum, and the rig tilts forward.  I liked the ones I saw so much that I built three of them for my shop back when I was in the business.  
  If you're interested, but unsure of what I mean, drop me a note off line and I'll try to send you a drawing.
  In East Texas

  Curious as to which Motorcycle Lift any on you might be using to work on 
your bikes. Not looking for the cheap Chinese small lifts you see practically 
everywhere you shop these days. Interested in a lift which can raise the bike 
up to about 36-48 inches. Any names of dealers on the east coast will be 
greatly appreciated. Used ones available will also be considered.

Hope I did not break any rules with this post? Thanks for your help !!

Tony Greco LI,NY

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